Category: Posts

  • If You’re Not Subscribed to My Newsletter, You’re Missing Out!

    If You’re Not Subscribed to My Newsletter, You’re Missing Out!

    OK everyone, I know I suck at updating this blog. I haven’t posted anything new since December! But it takes so much time just to shoot and edit my videos, I find it hard to squeeze in blogging. Which is a bummer, because writing is one of my true passions! But I do manage to…

  • Wood-Fired Bath in the Mountains

    Wood-Fired Bath in the Mountains

    I shouldn’t even be writing about this, because I haven’t posted the video yet… but I’m so stoked, I can’t help it! So here’s a sneak peek at an adventure I just finished, which I’m still working on editing. Surprise, Surprise…I’m back in Surprise Canyon again! The other day I undertook the grueling hike up…

  • Old Car Time Machines

    Old Car Time Machines

    Winter is almost here — and it’s already pretty chilly out here on the edge of Death Valley. The Amargosa River flowing through ancient Lake Tecopa, on its way to Badwater Basin Many of you will laugh at what I consider “chilly” — it’s been in the 60s during the day, and down into the…

  • Better Call Paul and his Tacombover

    Better Call Paul and his Tacombover

    There is no shortage of interesting characters in the little desert town where I live, and in this week’s videos, I featured one of the best: Better Call Paul. Paul is the guy you call when you’re in a jam on the edge of Death Valley — flat tire, dead battery, stuck in the mud…

  • Stranded in Vegas Waiting on Car Repairs

    Stranded in Vegas Waiting on Car Repairs

    For the past four days, I was unexpectedly stranded in Las Vegas.  Trying to work at the Palms food court My unwanted “staycation” began early Monday morning. Though I was still wiped out (and truthfully, a little hungover) from the Tecopa Takeover last weekend, I had an appointment with my mechanic in Vegas — so…

  • Behind the Scenes of Mike Z’s Visit to Tecopa

    Behind the Scenes of Mike Z’s Visit to Tecopa

    If you watched my last Death Valley Life video, you know that my carpenter friend Mike Z drove all the way out from Hollywood to come stay at the compound and help us with some home repair projects.  Me and Mike, being manly men That video ended up running about 29 minutes, but I started…

  • Welcome to my new website!!

    Welcome to my new website!!

    HEY, EVERYONE! I finally finished designing my new website (well, with a lot of help from my friends at Misfit Media!) I can’t even tell you how GREAT it feels to finally have this done — and to once again have a place where I can spill my guts all over the internet. I can…

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